Stainless Steel Faucets Manufacturers Share 3 Ways To Quickly Release Hot Water
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Wednesday, July 3, 2019 11:20 am - 2:20 pm

Leanhu Village, Mazhu Town ,Yuyao , Zhejiang , China
Leanhu Village, Mazhu Town ,Yuyao , Zhejiang , China
Opening stainless steel faucets requires a long time to cool water to produce hot water. On the one hand, it is a waste of water resources. On the one hand, it is very inconvenient to use, especially in winter. After careful study, the following three schemes can be used.

1. Install a water storage type electric kitchen treasure under the wash basin and the sink, wash the kitchen and wash the kitchen with a treasure, and still use the current gas water heater for the bath. The problem with the scheme is that although the number of baths is not as frequent as washing hands, When bathing, it still needs to put cold water for a long time. At the same time, only the power socket is installed under the sink when decorating. Therefore, when installing the kitchen treasure under the wash basin, it is necessary to take the power line on the wall, which is very unattractive; When the water and electricity is changed, set the socket under the sink.

2, install water storage type electric water heater in the bathroom, but because the wall of the bathroom is not a load-bearing wall, it is generally impossible to install a wall-mounted electric water heater, only a seated water heater that can be placed under the wash basin, this type of water heater Rarely, selection is difficult.

3. Install a hot water circulator on the position of the balcony gas water heater. The circulating water system can press the cold water in the hot water pipe into the cold water pipe, so that the hot water can be discharged immediately after opening the faucet. The cycle can pass the temperature control cycle and can pass the timed cycle, thus effectively solving the defects of the first two types of hot water circulation systems.

information about stainless steel faucets :