
From los angeles, United States
Basic Info
Birth Date:
November 30, 1999
Last Login:
February 19, 2013
Member Since:
February 19, 2013
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Record Label
About Me

I now present to you Dark Devil Records SuperLamat/PhactsUnknown


during his generation of the 80's to 90's

from the house parties he started goind to dessert parties ...during that time events
like Narnia to expeirence the unexperienced .
"Pascual" and "Sid" were also good promoters' during those times ...
Pasqual with insomniac and sid with events like opium .
SuperLamat also performed at circas together as one as a performance artist Mirakel and friends.
promoting different clubs in Los Angeles. He claims to have TRUELY grew up & survived the Los Angeles club scene .
"this place can kill anybody.." says SuperLamat